Most schools have been in session for a couple of weeks by now. The homework train has pulled in the station, school supplies might be wearing down already, and lunches are flying out the door. That means waste. Paper, school breakfast, school lunch, paper, pencils, most school supplies, packed lunches… did I mention paper? Recycling bins appear in most schools, but that doesn’t always mean they get used (or used properly). I frequently witness people throwing empty pop bottles or cans into the trash, sitting within inches of the recycling bin. Reducing waste in schools can be accomplished, it just takes a little planning and small habit changes. Consider some of the following tips for schools staff, students, and parents:

Teachers/School Staff
- Clearly label the recycling container in your classroom and what goes in it.
- Be a broken record. Remind students often about the appropriate materials to place
in the bin.
- If your school doesn’t use a recycling service, or only recycles certain materials, place another box by the wastebasket with a clear label of the items to go in it. Once a week, take the box home to your own recycling bin or to the closest recycling center. You can find a list of the materials we accept at our recycling center here:
- Also, if your school doesn’t recycle yet, talk to someone about getting one started.
- Get students involved. Encourage them to have accountability and take action on
recycling within the school.
- Copy assignments on the front and back of the paper.
- When available and convenient, use technology to replace paper.
- Don’t copy more than you need. You can always make more.
- Use one of the lesson plans on our website to teach recycling to your class:
- Make sure you know what goes into the trash and what gets recycled. If you can’t find a sign, ask someone.
- Pack a lunch with reusable containers (and remember to take them home!).
- Grab some friends and talk to a teacher about starting a recycling club.
- Talk to your children about recycling at school. If they eat school lunch, discuss options on reducing the waste they create and recycling what’s appropriate.
- Food prep for the family and send your children to school with lunches in reusable containers. A quick Google search will help you find the best options for you and your family.
- If you know those containers will never find their way back home, avoid the plastic sandwich baggies. Try a biodegradable option, like wax paper pouches.
- On that note, if the lunchbox itself doesn’t even make it back, use paper bags and remind your child to recycle it (only if it’s clean!)
Posted on Aug 29, 2018 by
Miami County Recycles