Where does it go?
Not sure if it can be recycled, thrown out, or disposed of through our Household Hazardous Waste Program? Here's a guide!
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Please be sure to read about our Household Hazardous Waste program; there is a $1 per-pound charge for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal.
- Acetone can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Acids can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Aerosol Cans can be recycled in your recycling bin if they are empty. If they once held oil or antifreeze, they should be placed in the garbage. If they are full, they can be brought to the Household Hazardous Waste drop-offs.
- Aerosol Cleaners can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Air Conditioning Units can be taken to the Miami County Transfer Station. Charges include a $10 Freon® removal fee along with the standard tipping fee.
- Aluminum Cans are accepted for recycling curbside or dropped off at the Miami County Recycling Center. Several organizations (fire stations, Miami County Shrine Club) also take for their programs. Containers may be crushed.
- Ammonia-Based Cleaners can brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Ammunition: Call the local police department to dispose of all types of ammunition.
- Animal Carcasses can be disposed of at the Miami County Transfer Station. The standard tipping fee applies, and an Animal Carcass Certification form will need to be filled out.
- Antifreeze can be brought one of the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs. Also check with your local service station.
- Asbestos: Disposal of NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Waste Pollutants) Regulated Asbestos materials which are a source of fugitive dust such as insulation, ceiling tiles, asbestos cement shingles, etc. may only be disposed of at state approved disposal sites in an approved manner.
- The closest facility is the Stony Hollow Landfill in Dayton. Phone number is (800) 343-6047.
- Any questions on asbestos on the handling or disposal of asbestos should be directed to RAPCA (Regional Air Pollution Control Agency) in Dayton at 937-225-4435.
- Auto polish can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Auto fluids can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Batteries can be brought to the Miami County Recycling Center. The terminals must be taped if the battery is 1.5 volts or higher. Lead Acid Batteries are taken at the Miami County Transfer Station for a charge.
- Boats can be disposed of at the Miami County Transfer Station, but the title will need to accompany the boat. The Transfer Station will mail the title to the Ohio Division of Natural Resources – Watercraft Division. A form will need to be filled out when depositing a boat.
- Books can be donated to Goodwill, local libraries, or other local organizations. Check with your recycling hauler to see if books can be recycled.
- Brake fluid can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Brush killer can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Carpet can be disposed of curbside. Call your hauler for more information. It can also be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee.
- Car wax can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Carbon paper is not recyclable. It can be thrown into the garbage.
- Carburetor cleaner can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Caulk can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Cellular phones can be recycled through numerous organizations.
- The Miami County Sheriff’s Office and Miami County Sanitary Engineering Offices accept used cell phones.
- Cleaners can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Cooking Oil & Grease (from residents): Check with your local restaurants to see if they will take the cooking oil or grease from your household. Grease can be thrown into the garbage if it is solidified in absorbent or kitty litter.
- Cooking Oil & Grease (from restaurants): Contact Restaurant Technologies, Inc. in Cincinnati at 513-942-7401, or G.A. Wintzer & Son at 1-800-331-1801.
- Computers and Monitors: Under Ohio EPA guidelines, household computer systems can be put into the regular trash, but some haulers will not accept them. They can be dropped off at the transfer station for the current tipping fee. Computers can be donated to Goodwill.
- Concrete cleaners and etches can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Construction & Demolition Waste: Construction and demolition waste is accepted at the Miami County Transfer Station at the usual tipping rate.
- The closest C&D waste landfill is in Montgomery County; for information, call the Montgomery County Solid Waste District at (937) 225-4999.
- Contact Cement can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Corrugated Cardboard is accepted in your curbside recycling container or at the county Recycling Center.
- Dishwashers can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the current tipping charge. Also check with local metal recyclers.
- Epoxy can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Electronics: Under Ohio EPA guidelines, household electronics can be put into the regular trash, but some haulers will not accept them. For businesses, electronics are considered hazardous wastes.
- Residents may recycle electronics at the Transfer Station for the current tipping fee.
- Explosives/Ammunition: Call local law enforcement for proper disposal.
- Fertilizers can be brought to Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Flares/Emergency Road Flares: Call local law enforcement for proper disposal.
- Floor Care Products can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Residents may choose to recycle flourscent light bulbs at the Transfer Station or local retailers. Businesses must recycle the bulbs, under Ohio’s Universal Waste Rule.
- Up to 10 fluorescent light bulbs can be dropped off at the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping charge.
- Home Depot & Lowe's have programs for recycling compact fluorescent bulbs.
- Food can be composted or placed in the regular trash. It can be taken to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping charge.
- Freezers can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station. The usual tipping fee applies, along with a $10 charge for Freon removal.
- Fungicide can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Furnaces can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station. The usual tipping fee applies.
- Furniture: If the furniture is in good condition, check with local organizations such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity Re-Store and the Family Abuse Shelter. For curbside service, residents contact your garbage hauler. Furniture can be taken for disposal to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee.
- Gasoline can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Grass Clippings: The Miami County Transfer Station does not accept grass clippings. Troy and Piqua residents are eligible for yard waste pickup; call your city for details. Other residents, call your hauler.
- Helium (balloon) tanks should be drained of any gas and can be recycled by a local metal recycler.
- Herbicides and pesticides can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Hydraulic fluid/oil can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Ink and Toner Cartridges: Staples and other office supply stores have recycling programs.
- Insect spray can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Insulation can be brought the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee.
- Kerosene can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Kitchen Ranges can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station. The usual tipping fee applies.
- Landscape timbers/railroad ties can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee.
- Latex paint can be disposed of at home by drying out containers that are less than half full. Add kitty litter or sawdust to the paint, stir it up, and in a few days it will be dry. Then the container (with the lid off) can be placed with regular garbage.
- Latex paint can also be dropped off at the Miami County Transfer Station; ask the scaleshouse operator about the paint disposal program. This drop-off will be subject to the usual tipping fee, and there is a limit of 15 cans per day.
- Lawnmowers: After draining the gas and oil, lawnmowers can be taken to a scrap metal dealer for recycling or disposed of at the Transfer Station.
- Lighter Fluid can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Manure: Manure mixed with straw can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee. It could also be composted depending upon the source; call your municipality for more information.
- Medications: Medications can be dropped off at the Miami County Sheriff's Office or Incarceration Facility, or call your local police department for other drop-box locations.
- Mercury: Mercury thermometers, switches, etc. can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Metals: The Miami County Transfer Station will take metal for the usually tipping fee. Many types of metal can be dropped off or sold to local metal recycling facilities.
- Call Poling’s Auto Parts in Troy or Urban Elsass in Piqua, or check your phone book for recyclers in your area.
- Metal polish can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Microwave ovens can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee. Also check with local metal recyclers.
- Motors can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee. Also check with local metal recycler.
- Mothballs can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Needles: Residents disposing of sharps need to put them in a rigid plastic container such as a detergent bottle with an attached lid. Duct tape the lid and label the container with "Sharps” before placing the sharps in the trash
- Sharps can also be dropped off at the Miami County Sanitary Engineering Office or the Miami County Public Health Office, if packaged in the manner described above.
- Newspapers are accepted in curbside recycling programs. They are also accepted at the Miami County Recycling Center.
- Oil can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs. Also check with your local service station.
- Oil filters can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs. Also check with your local service station.
- Oven cleaner can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Ovens can be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station. The usual tipping fee applies. Also check with local metal recyclers.
- Paint remover can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Paint thinner can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Paint - Latex: Latex paint can be disposed of at home by drying out containers that are less than half full. Add kitty litter or sawdust to the paint, stir it up, and in a few days it will be dry. Then the container (with the lid off) can be placed with regular garbage.
- Paint - Oil-Based and Lead-Based: This type of paint can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Paper: Mixed paper is accepted in all curbside programs in Miami County and can be brought to the Recycling Center. Glossy paper may be included.
- Pesticides: Pesticides can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Petroleum Contaminated Soils: The nearest facility that can accept contaminated soils is Stony Hollow Landfill in Dayton. Call this facility at (937) 268-1133.
- Petroleum-Based Adhesives: Adhesives can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Phonebooks are accepted through curbside recycling programs. They are also accepted at the Miami County Recycling Center.
- Plastics: Check with your local hauler on what they will accept. Food-grade plastics #1 & #2, such as water bottles and milk jugs, are accepted at the Miami County Recycling Center.
- Plastic Shopping Bags: Some grocery and department stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, and Meijer offer plastic bag drop offs. Make sure that bags are empty and dry before taking them to your local store.
- Polish remover can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Pool chemicals can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Propane tanks are accepted at the Miami County Transfer Station. The usual tipping fee applies.
- Pest poison can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Refrigerators can be taken to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping charge, plus a $10 Freon removal fee.
- Scrap Aluminum: Check with local metal recyclers. Scrap aluminum can also be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station. The tipping fee applies.
- Shellac can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Smoke detectors can be thrown in the garbage or disposed of at the Transfer Station for the regular fee.
- Stains can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Televisions: Under Ohio EPA guidelines, household electronics can be put into the regular trash, but some haulers will not accept them. They can be disposed of at the Transfer Station. Goodwill will accept flat-screen TVs but cannot accept CRT (tube) TVs.
- Thermostats can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs. There are also drop-off locations throughout the region. Check on the website www.thermostat-recycle.org
- Tin cans are accepted curbside. The Miami County Recycling Center also takes cans.
- Tires are accepted at the Miami County Transfer Station and charged according to size.
- No tires larger than 18.4 R 42 (460/85R42 metric number) will be accepted -- no tires wider than 18.4 inches.
- For tires over 18.4", call Rumpke Tire Recycling at 513-851-0122 or Liberty Tire Recycling at 614-871-8097.
- In addition to the usual tipping charge, the following fees are applied to tire drop-offs:
- Passenger vehicle tires: $3
- Semi or light truck tires: $6
- Tractor tires: $20
- Varnish can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Wallpaper remover can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Washing Machines: Check with local metal recyclers. Washing machines can also be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station for the usual tipping fee.
- Water Heaters: Check with local metal recyclers. Washing machines can also be brought to the Miami County Transfer Station at the usual tipping rate.
- Weed killer can be brought to the Household Hazardous waste drop-offs.
- Window Glass: Should be put into the regular trash. Trash haulers usually ask that residence place glass in a box labeled “Broken Glass” before setting it out at the curb.
- Wood Waste: Call your trash hauler or local jurisdiction to see if they have a program. The Miami County Transfer Station takes wood waste at the current tipping fee.
- Yard Waste: Call your local jurisdiction – city or township - to see if they have a program for taking yard waste.